Here we came to another peaceful land in Malaysia...
A calm & peaceful town with majority of the town folks would sleep at 9pm daily....
A wonderful place for getaway from stressful situation~

As usual... I'm not going to comment much of the place...
but instead....
This is one of taiping specialty...
Chicken Skin Lou Shu Fen~

Yes.... It's exactly what I said...
Chicken Skin....
For those who are really that health conscious and would throw away chicken skin...
Kindly turn around now....

The chicken skin is specially prepared to enhance its chewiness and taste.....
It is served as separately as you can see from the picture....

Shimmering cuts of the chicken skin with a boink boink touch....
That's the perfect word to describe it~ hahaha

Of cause you won't be having just SKIN for a meal right?
So for the meat part.... and still having not enough of just the chicken skin.....
We ordered the part of the chicken which having the maximum area covered by skin too~~
The Wings & the
backside tail.... as you could see from the picture above~
And also family members of extreme fans of this which make me have to pack as many as of the parts the stall has....
Eventually the chicken became like this at the time i left~

But still just look at the size of the chicken!!
And so sorry I was too excited on the chicken skin & totally forgotten pictures of the lou shu fen~
hahaha... but nevermind~
Another place of interest in Taiping is a place where you get to see and touch Wildboar for FREE~
Huh? Why wild boar?
As a myth in the region....
Touching and sayang-ing the pigs would bring you fortune and good luck.....
And I really have to say.... It really works!!!
Cxlvxn Lxu(The fella who told me this) won lottery just before Finals & eventually pass the exam!
And for myself~ Winning 4 prizes from Radio Stations of which 2 of them are cash prizes... And also winning a lottery although just consolation prize....
It's located behind a housing area and it's next to an Indian Temple.....

Cute & cuddly~

So the method of doing it is
1st lure the piggy near to you with food.....
then is to have a piece of cash in hand while rubbing with intense passion on the wild boar.... (intense passion is optional)

So what the heck with the piece of cash?
I'll use my wallet instead~ muahahahaha
Money Money Money~

It became so popular and this actually came into the newspaper once... which I heard from my dad.... It is said that even the Malays didn't really care bout the Halal issue and did the same as us~
Having that much of popularity... They even put up a notice board~ In THREE different Languages! wow!

As told form the Indian man I met there.... we were very very lucky to see the piggies at that hour(3pm) as the usual hour visitors would come is around 5-6pm... that's the time when the crowd is.... and so is all the piggies as they have the habit of coming for FREE FOOD at that hour~
I wonder if this two are waiting for the feast to start~